Thursday, August 6, 2015

On keeping them little...

         We are in our last few weeks of summer here for the Lloyd Pack. School is still a distant memory for the kids but in the back of my mind I know these lazy days are slowly winding down. It’s been an amazing summer so far. Just how I pretty much wanted it to go. We’ve had the right amount of playdates, spent the right amount of money on entertainment, and taken an unforgettable vacation, and just chilled at home. We’ve gotten to see almost all our friends we’ve wanted to multiple times and hung out with family.
I’m trying to hang on to this time when they are little, these summer memories, these days of innocence. When we can all go to a play date together and they are all entertained. There aren’t any bored teenagers yet and I don’t have babies anymore that are too little to join and are strapped into a stroller while the rest do an activity. They can all participate for the most part when we meet up with friends. And I don’t know how much longer this will last with their ages (8,7,5,4).
I want to hang on to this time when they are so young and innocent still. Lilly is almost 9 and going into fourth grade. This is the school year where it could all change. I’m trying so hard to shelter her a little longer from all that’s out there. Bullies, kids who are going to start telling her adult things she doesn’t need to be worrying about just yet, kids telling her about things like political or religious views they hear from their parents. Values and ethics we aren't teaching our kids or that are extremely different from ours. I’m not ready for scary movies or racy clothing, or discussions about kissing yet. Honestly all I want for her to worry about right now is playing with her Barbies, roller skating, swimming, chasing butterflies. It makes me sad when she’s already starting to have kids not like her, kids arguing with her, kids telling her adult things she doesn’t need to know, opinions and views that are not theirs to teach or instill in my kids head. I know it's bound to happen to her, to all of them really, but I just wasn't quite ready for all this yet. I thought we had more time for glitter paint, reading Highlights magazine together, running through the sprinklers with our clothes on. Fourth grade will be a big change. I'm sure I'm going to have to start answering the tough questions, I know she will start getting hurt and let down by people more.

My other kids are pretty oblivious to it all. I don't mind at all when they have an adult question for me that I get to answer how I chose. It just makes me sad when they have been given an opinion on something already like it's the rule or the only belief. I want them to be given the whole side to the story and the most honest truth I can give them, not something they've heard around school or from friends. Or if it's something too adult, a watered down, PG version so their question is answered but they haven't been loaded down with adult information. Like the whole Caitlynn Jenner thing. They heard about it (not really sure where) and I explained it as simply as possible and told them that it’s ok to be that way. We didn’t get into a heavy discussion and they probably forgot about it a few minutes later, and it was no big deal. I'm trying to instill tolerance, acceptance of others, and most of all kindness. I know I'm not the best at any of these things but I want my kids to be better than me. I liked being able to keep our conversations on the heavy stuff light and easy for now considering their ages. So after our Cait discussion, we moved on and continued on our merry way back to coloring.

Today I heard my almost 9 year old giggling with her best friend while building a fairy house together. They were trying to figure out how to capture a fairy sometime. And then they were talking about trying to see the Tooth Fairy in the middle of the night each time they lost a tooth. I wanted to seal this little moment of childhood innocence with them forever, knowing they still wholeheartedly believed in all of this. I know I can’t keep the big bad world away from them forever but it felt good that for now it was at bay. Summer just feels like that magical time where I have more control on their childhood innocence, where I get to influence their sweet minds the most. There's more fairy dust in the air and less exposure to the Captain Hooks and Queen of Hearts that they encounter during the school year. I said a silent prayer of thanks that my kids still have this for now, and another silent prayer to please let it last a little longer. Please don’t let it all start disappearing with any of my kids just yet. Let me keep them little just a tiny bit longer. 

                                               Happy rest of summer to my friends and family...

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Our Baby is 4...

Loralee turned four April 3rd and it's still sinking in...our baby is four. There were so many exhausting days and nights that first year with Loralee. When she was born Lilly was almost 4.5, Bobby had just turned 3 that January, and Heidi was 17 months old. Besides the physical struggle of moving all four children from place to place, in and out of four car seats, in and out of strollers (oh yes we used to travel with two double strollers!) things did go pretty smoothly. Loralee was my only baby who didn't suffer from acid reflux and require that medication during her first year. She was my latest one to walk at almost 15 months, yet she took off running when she finally decided it was time to catch up with the Pack. She slept through the night the earliest of all my babies at just under 6 weeks. But we knew she completed our family and she was our closure on the whole baby adventure. And now we are in our last year of having a toddler. And it makes me so happy and so sad at the same time...

The best way to describe Loralee at four is spunky and feisty. It must be the red hair and freckles, or the adorable yet mischievous smile. She is a peanut for her age but don't let her small stature fool you. I love her raspy voice, her constant chatter, her contagious giggles. She's full of fire and energy and puts her whole heart into anything she puts her mind to. Loralee is fearless and up for any challenge. She's definitely a leader and not a follower. She has a confidence about her at four that I'm still striving to find at 36. Loralee is such a cheerful, carefree spirit and is super affectionate and cuddly. 

Her biggest accomplishment right after turning four was riding her bike without training wheels like it was no big deal.  She didn't hesitate or look back or wait for anyone to help her once the training wheels were off. This is one of the things I love the most. The fact that she just makes a decision and sticks with it to see it through, completely confidant that she's got this. Loralee is the life of the party and the life of the Lloyd Pack. Thank you baby for letting mommy snuggle you just a little bit more and hold you just a little bit longer than all of the rest.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My little boy is 7...

Bobby turned 7 just a month ago (tomorrow) and I am still trying to wrap my mind around it. For some reason once the kids pass 5 their ages sound so old to me. When I was younger I could always imagine babies and toddlers but never them actually as kids. But now almost all 4 of them are kids. 

Bobby is such a love. He is the first one to hug me in the morning and willingly offer kisses anytime. I treasure this as I know someday that will fade (I really hope not but I'm realistic!). In some ways I feel he is all mine. Yes the girls and I are really close and have amazing relationships but I feel like I am his favorite person. Although very shy at school he does have nice group of friends now. He is always so caring and would give you the shirt off his back without a second thought. I love that he really puts others first. I love that he is polite to people too (especially adults). I can't tell you how many awful and rude children I come across working in the kids class and what a relief it is knowing Bobby (or any of my yahoos for that matter) is not like that.

Bobby is ridiculously smart. There are so many ways he's excelling beyond his age and grade in school. I hope he always has a love of learning and keeps inhaling all the information that he can. He even helps his older sister with her spelling and reading. 

Bobby isn't super crazy about sports but we think we've finally found one he enjoys. He just started playing basketball and he seems to love it. Michael takes him to practice and I love that they have that downtime together away from us girls. Bobby also loves minions. He collects everything minion and it's just his thing. 
And last but not least Bobby is TALL! He's in the 90th percentile for height (52 inches) and towers over all of his sisters. He is just under my chin now so I'm thinking by his 9th or 10th birthday we will be the same height. And we also wear the same size shoe now too. He is still suffering from asthma, sometimes really badly, other times just enough to annoy him. It doesn't slow him down but Bobby does get angry about it sometimes, not wanting to stop what he's doing for breathing treatments or his meds. We've been very lucky that he hasn't been hospitalized for it yet. We've always managed to get his breathing under control or at the doctor's office. I hope he outgrows asthma because I did not (although Michael did). 

Birthday time at Boomer's

Minion cupcakes by Nana

Studio Pics 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Christmas fun

Since Christmas was a month ago today, I figured it was about time to post the pics from it. We had a great time as usual. No one got sick over the winter break which I think is a miracle and the two weeks off flew by in the blink of an eye. The kids are at such a great age and everyone really gets into it. I love that Santa is still huge here and I cherish that because I'm not sure how many more years of that we really have. But for now we just enjoy it and the fun of watching the kids excitement.
And it finally happened. The very first Santa pic without anyone crying or screaming!  I'm not sure if this makes me want to laugh o cry.
All the grandkids together for my mom's birthday Xmas Eve
The stair shot on Xmas morning. The kids woke up about 6:15am...
Santa brought Loralee a circus tent to play in

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

3 months worth of pictures and updates on us :)

Holy smokes am I way behind on posting these days. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day for organizing pictures let alone writing on the blog. I may have taken on too much this school year with 2 different PTA Committees, Room Parent in all 3 elementary kids classes, and Board Member again at our preschool. But I'm loving every minute of it and it's nice getting involved with things with other adults. Since Christmas is only 9 days away (WHAT?!) I figured I'd better get the last of our fall pics posted before the year is over. 

Everyone is doing well. All the class parties are kicking off this week (which I'm running) as well as Loralee's singing performance and Pajama Day thrown in at the elementary school for good measure. All my Xmas shopping is done, (including teacher gifts) but nothing is wrapped. There's been a lovely cough and some sniffles moving through our house but no one has actually come down with anything dreadful...yet. We are all counting down to Winter Break which kicks off at 12:50pm this Friday. The kids are looking forward to seeing Santa (again where did this month go?!! We've never gone this late before!) and relaxing at home for two whole weeks. 

So in case I don't get a chance to blog about Christmas until Easter, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope everyone stays healthy and safe!

Enjoy the pics :)

Lilly's first day of 3rd grade

Bobby's first day of 1st grade

Heidi's first day of Pre-K

Loralee's first day back at preschool

Heidi my soccer star

Lilly my soccer star
She played goalie this year which nearly gave me a heart attack

Random Sept night in our backyard

Mud Day in Oct at preschool. Luckily it's 95 degrees in Oct here.

Our neighbor's eucalyptus tree fell into our front yard one night in Oct. So that was fun. It provided some entertainment for all the neighbor kids for a few days before it was removed.

Lilly and Heidi turned 8 and 5

Then it was Halloween. It was our first year where the kids wanted to dress up with a theme. I'm sure you guessed it...Frozen. Lilly was Elsa, Bobby was Kristoff, Heidi was Olaf, and Loralee was Anna.


Bobby was the narrator in his Thanksgiving parade at school.

I was able to take the older two kids to Disneyland and California Adventure during a school day just before the Fall break. We had blast!!

Everyone thought they were twins which actually worked out really well with having them ride together on some of the attractions.

I love the Xmas parade there. The toy soldiers have always been my favorite and they haven't changed in the last 30 or so years that I've seen the parade.
Boy were they excited.
Sleeping Beauty's castle and Small World are just stunning

And the looks on their faces when it snowed was worth every minute of that long, fun and exhausting day.

Then it's on to Thanksgiving
My loves. My everythings. These are the people who love me unconditionally, they are the only ones who's judgement of my character matters. And they have my back and my best interest at heart. They are what I am thankful for, always.

Goofing around with Granny

Camping in the desert

That's the end for now.