Monday, August 29, 2011


With four kids under the age of five it's not likely we can take a real camping trip just yet. So we did the next best thing and camped at home. Last week we set up a tent in our living room which the kids played in ALL day long and Lilly and Bobby actually slept in each night. Then over the weekend we set up another tent in our backyard. After putting the two babies to bed we made a campfire and roasted marshmallows. The older two had so much fun with this. Then the plan was for Michael to sleep in the tent with Lilly and Bobby. At bedtime Bobby changed his mind so just Michael, Lilly, and the dog ended up camping. But a very good time was had by all. It was also fun to do something with the older two and being able to give them my full attention with the little ones out of the way. The kids are already asking when will it be the weekend again so we can put the tent up again!

First night camping in our living room. They are passed out!

One of the nights my nephew Barrett slept over. He joined the gang playing in the tent too.

Outdoor camping- Roasting marshmallows

Getting ready for bed

My sweet boy. He hardly ever wants to take pics with me anymore. Caught him at a rare moment.

Hanging out before I went inside and slept in my nice comfy bed. Hey someone had to stay in the house in case one of the babies woke up in the middle of the night right?

Since Bobby was in rare form that night I tried to get as many pics of him as I could

Lilly and George

On a random note: If you have visited my house you know I have a wall with pics of each baby at around 4 to 5months old. I just picked up Loralee's and have added it to the collection. Now my wall is complete :)
From left to right it goes from oldest to youngest: Lilly, Bobby, Heidi, Loralee

Monday, August 22, 2011

August pics

Summer has been great but I have to admit I'm ready for it to be over. I'm ready for the older two kids to get back to school. I miss the quiet time I had with the babies while the big kids were gone for a few hours each day. Everyone seems to be fighting and arguing more too. Too much time together lol. I also like having a routine which we are way out of right now. I think summers will be a lot more fun when there are no more stollers and diaper bags too. When we can just pick up and go and I don't have to spend 20 to 30 minutes getting all of our gear together. But here are some fun pics from the last few weeks.

My dad doesn't get to spend as much time with Loralee as he would like. The other grandkids are always climbing on him and begging for attention!

Tummy time is going to well now. Loralee mastered rolling from her tummy to her back a few weeks ago and just today figured out how to go from her back to her tummy. Pretty soon she will be pretty much rolling across the floor non-stop.

Trying to stay incognito

Don't know what we would do without the exersaucer

My Italian looking toddler holding my Irish looking baby

Where's Bobby? Can you spot him?

Lilly will be a Kindergartner in about 2 weeks. So hard to believe.

Daddy is not afraid to take the kids on a ferris wheel...but Mommy is lol.

Had to throw one in of George

A few shots of the whole Lloyd pack

Happiest baby ever!
My dad took the older 2 to the circus. They are still talking about it!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Loralee Catherine's 4 month studio pics

We took Loralee to get her 4 month pics yesterday. She was a doll and so easy to work with. And it looks like she will be a redhead after all!
Had to get some naked pics

And of course I love to post past pics of my other babies

Lilly 4 months
Bobby 5 months
Heidi 5 months