Wednesday, June 26, 2013

And so summer begins...

Our summer got quite a start this year. We had one of those family moments where something happens that you think "Oh this will never happen to us". But guess what? It did. And I'm discovering that this happens to most families...So here goes. 

Our 5 year old son (you know, the genius that can read at almost a 4th grade level, fixes our computer, does our taxes?) got the awesome idea that it would be ok to cut off all of our 3.5 year old daughter's hair....We were furious and sad and angry. But it's been a little over a week now and the new "pixie" cut has sort of sunk in and grown on us. And if any of our girls can rock this hairdo it's definitely Heidi since she's a little fairy sized girl anyway. Here are the photos I have taken. I'm just really praying that by her 4th birthday in Oct. she will at least have some bangs again...
 Last Monday...about 5 minutes after her hair cut
The back side. Before Daddy took her to a hair salon to get it fixed up and evened out.
After getting back from the salon

Luckily we discovered a hair accessory store in the mall that sells everything for a $1. We let her pick out however many things she wanted.

Before all this happened ended
Heidi and her preschool teacher (our dear friend and neighbor too!) Mrs. Paul
Bobby said good bye to Miss Denise and Pre-K and will be moving on to Kindergarten at Lilly's elementary school this fall. We will now have two kids in school full time!
Lilly's school picnic. Still cannot believe she is going to be in 2nd grade!
Nana took Lilly to get her ears pierced (this is the before shot)
Getting ready! She was totally calm and didn't freak out at all.
All done!!! 

And now that summer has started, we bought a tether ball court for the kids and we saw Monsters University. We've also been filling our days swimming at the neighbors, having play dates in the park, and mostly just goofing off and relaxing.

Happy Summer!!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

~Good bye May ~

Well May is over and we are only about 2 weeks away from summer starting. It was a fun month for us and busy as usual. I am looking forward to some lazy summer days where we don't have to jump up and hit the ground running each morning. Oh and definitely looking forward to not getting up at 6am to work out before getting everyone ready for school.
Lilly received an Extra Effort Award at school. Cannot believe she is 2 weeks away from becoming a 2nd grader. Seriously?! I am not old enough to have a kid in 2nd grade!
We had a mustache birthday party for a few people in Michael's family one Sunday.

 I went with Lilly's first grade class to the Ocean Institute in Dana Point. We had so much fun and were even interviewed by Ch 7. They didn't end up airing our interview but we got to see Lilly's class on TV so that was cool.
At the tide pools
Lilly's class did a school play about the people in your neighborhood. It was adorable. Lilly was a grocer. Unfortunately all my pics of her onstage really didn't come out.
Here's a pic of Loralee and my dad waiting for the show to start
Then it was Mommy and Me Day at the preschool for Heidi and Bobby
Nana came too
My brother Jeremy graduated from my Alma Mater Cal State Fullerton

We also just discovered that Loralee is definitely allergic to strawberries. We have had our suspicions over the past two years about it and have kept them from her. She had a weird reaction when I was nursing her as an infant after I had eaten strawberries so our pediatrician told us to not feed them to her until she was 4 and we could do blood work to check for the allergy.  But she accidentally ate a part of a strawberry the other day and immediately broke out in hives. we know. And of course I took pics (mainly to show the pediatrician). Loralee didn't even care that she was covered in hives though. And thank goodness her tongue doesn't swell yet. 

Other random pics from May...
Lilly and one of her best buddy's Sofia having breakfast together. They had hot chocolate with whip cream too :)
Lilly and her magic eyes. They still amaze me every time I see them.
The End