Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Birthday Girls!!!

Here we are again and another year has passed for two of my girls. I love the special bond these two have sharing a birthday and being 3 years apart to the day. They couldn't be more different from each other but somehow they compliment each other and get along really well (90% of the time!). 
Recently some of my relatives who have never met my children (we will be fixing that problem soon East Coast family!) asked me to describe each of my children. I've never actually sat down and done that so I think now is definitely the time. I'll share about Lilly now as an 8 year old (how the heck did she get so old?!) and Heidi now as a 5 year old and post about the other two at a later date.
Lilly Elizabeth~ Born October 17th, 2006 at 3:39pm, 6lbs 15oz. My oldest, the baby that made me a mother and Michael a father. The first time I ever believed in love at first sight was the first time I saw her on my very first ultrasound. I still cannot believe Lilly is turning 8 years old. I feel like it was yesterday that she was at home with me helping me with the other toddlers and babies that came one after another right after her. Now she is a 3rd grader, she loves to read, adores arts and crafts. Lilly is my people pleaser, rule follower, she has a heart of gold and would give you the t shirt off her back if you needed it. She is kind and loving, she loves to be in charge of her siblings, although does not tend to take charge at school or around adults. She can be painfully shy around adults until she gets to know you, and has a terrible poker face. Lilly loves rollercoasters but is afraid to go in a Halloween store. Lilly loves soccer and wants to get back into dance as well.
I still can't get over that smile with all the missing teeth and new ones coming in....

Heid Jean~ Born October 16th, 2009 at 11:30pm (missed being born on her sister's actual birthday by 30 minutes!), 6lbs 13oz. Heidi is our third child, and our second girl. I had the same due date for both of these girls (October 29th). She was also my fastest and easiest labor and delivery and my easiest baby. Heidi is my sensitive kid, my scaredy cat, the chatterbox of the bunch. She does not like to go out of her comfort zone and try new things but prefers to go with what she knows. Heidi is super lovable and loves to cuddle and tends to meltdown more than the others. She has a head like I rock (I say she gets it from Michael) and will stick to her guns, sometimes over the lamest things. Heidi is a free spirit and wears whatever clothing she wants, regardless of whether it matches, and doesn't give a crap what anyone thinks of her fashion sense. This is one of the things I love most about her. She follows the beat of her own drum but does well getting along with her siblings. I think she is the most like me as a child. Heidi just started playing soccer and she's a natural at it too.

My two soccer girls are both the #3 on their teams

Happy birthday girls!

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