Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My little boy is 7...

Bobby turned 7 just a month ago (tomorrow) and I am still trying to wrap my mind around it. For some reason once the kids pass 5 their ages sound so old to me. When I was younger I could always imagine babies and toddlers but never them actually as kids. But now almost all 4 of them are kids. 

Bobby is such a love. He is the first one to hug me in the morning and willingly offer kisses anytime. I treasure this as I know someday that will fade (I really hope not but I'm realistic!). In some ways I feel he is all mine. Yes the girls and I are really close and have amazing relationships but I feel like I am his favorite person. Although very shy at school he does have nice group of friends now. He is always so caring and would give you the shirt off his back without a second thought. I love that he really puts others first. I love that he is polite to people too (especially adults). I can't tell you how many awful and rude children I come across working in the kids class and what a relief it is knowing Bobby (or any of my yahoos for that matter) is not like that.

Bobby is ridiculously smart. There are so many ways he's excelling beyond his age and grade in school. I hope he always has a love of learning and keeps inhaling all the information that he can. He even helps his older sister with her spelling and reading. 

Bobby isn't super crazy about sports but we think we've finally found one he enjoys. He just started playing basketball and he seems to love it. Michael takes him to practice and I love that they have that downtime together away from us girls. Bobby also loves minions. He collects everything minion and it's just his thing. 
And last but not least Bobby is TALL! He's in the 90th percentile for height (52 inches) and towers over all of his sisters. He is just under my chin now so I'm thinking by his 9th or 10th birthday we will be the same height. And we also wear the same size shoe now too. He is still suffering from asthma, sometimes really badly, other times just enough to annoy him. It doesn't slow him down but Bobby does get angry about it sometimes, not wanting to stop what he's doing for breathing treatments or his meds. We've been very lucky that he hasn't been hospitalized for it yet. We've always managed to get his breathing under control or at the doctor's office. I hope he outgrows asthma because I did not (although Michael did). 

Birthday time at Boomer's

Minion cupcakes by Nana

Studio Pics 

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