Friday, December 7, 2012

Good Bye November

Another month down and only one more to go in 2012. I feel like the kids just got out for summer vacation and here we are with Christmas right around the corner. Soccer wrapped up this month. We had Grandparents Day at Lilly's school. We had an amazing Thanksgiving. I'm already starting to plan Bobby's 5th birthday party (cannot wrap my head around the fact that he will be 5!) which is in early Jan. Things are moving right along for the Lloyd Pack.
 Lilly's first grade picture. Doesn't she look 12 here?!

Bobby's soccer picture. He hated soccer. But of course now that it's over he keeps asking when his next game is. Go figure.

Lilly on the other hand loved soccer and cannot wait to play again. 

Grandparents Day at Lilly's school
 Lilly with my parents and my grandma

 Lilly and Nana

Lilly and Dat
Just before her show
With Granny

Lilly won her first award at school! It was a Creativity Award for an art project she did.

 A rare moment of Loralee holding still long enough for a picture with Mommy on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving silliness

 Lilly with her trophy at her soccer party
Bobby with his trophy at his soccer party

I know I already posted this year's Santa pic on Facebook but just had to share it again because it is too funny. Heidi did NOT want to see Santa at all. The only way I could get her to stay in the pic was putting her in the stroller (which I didn't plan to have in the pic!). Loralee was happy to see Santa until I put her on his lap. Then she did everything in her power to escape. Lilly and Bobby were super happy to see him though.
One year they will all love seeing him and all will be smiling. And what will the fun of that be?

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