Monday, August 22, 2011

August pics

Summer has been great but I have to admit I'm ready for it to be over. I'm ready for the older two kids to get back to school. I miss the quiet time I had with the babies while the big kids were gone for a few hours each day. Everyone seems to be fighting and arguing more too. Too much time together lol. I also like having a routine which we are way out of right now. I think summers will be a lot more fun when there are no more stollers and diaper bags too. When we can just pick up and go and I don't have to spend 20 to 30 minutes getting all of our gear together. But here are some fun pics from the last few weeks.

My dad doesn't get to spend as much time with Loralee as he would like. The other grandkids are always climbing on him and begging for attention!

Tummy time is going to well now. Loralee mastered rolling from her tummy to her back a few weeks ago and just today figured out how to go from her back to her tummy. Pretty soon she will be pretty much rolling across the floor non-stop.

Trying to stay incognito

Don't know what we would do without the exersaucer

My Italian looking toddler holding my Irish looking baby

Where's Bobby? Can you spot him?

Lilly will be a Kindergartner in about 2 weeks. So hard to believe.

Daddy is not afraid to take the kids on a ferris wheel...but Mommy is lol.

Had to throw one in of George

A few shots of the whole Lloyd pack

Happiest baby ever!
My dad took the older 2 to the circus. They are still talking about it!

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