I've recently started watching my nephew Barrett three days a week. It's been a really fun adventure for the kids and I. They get such a kick out of helping me take care of him. Here are my attempts at getting pics of all the cousins together.

Well we can see all their faces but had a hard time getting all four to smile.

My big girl standing up on Nana and Dat's stairs

I love how Barrett has his "what you talkin' about willis?" face :)

Took this one while Bobby was napping

Look at these two cutie pies!

Heidi and Barrett (he just turned 3 months old!)

Bobby found this comforter at my parents house and he loves to throw it on the floor and lay in it.

Thinking real hard

My big girl is standing already! Almost 8 months old.

Playing on the floor together!

Heidi just pinched Bobby in this pic!

Playing with Lilly's barbie doll

This kid is always smiling!

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