Today we went to visit my brother Kevin, sister-in-law Kat, and my new nephew Barrett. Lilly and Bobby got to meet Barrett for the first time today! It was a fun afternoon. Of course we tried to get a bunch of pics of the kids. I think we did pretty well with an almost 3.5 year old, a 2 year old, a 5 month old, and a 10 day old!
My little munchkins

Bobby's over it

Trying to get pics of the cousins all together for the first time

My nephew Barrett joins the group. We are hoping the cousins will all be close as they grow up together.

Another attempt at getting a pic of all 4 kids

Heidi and Barrett are just about 5 months apart

My nephew and Godson Barrett. 10 days old

Sweet baby!

Heidi Jean is 5 months old!

Found Bobby passed out during his nap under his bunk bed.

Snoozing away under the bed!

All three rugrats in the tub! Heidi decided to join the crew during bath time.

Look at Heidi. Could she be any more relaxed lol!

Lilly in her new chef's outfit. Thanks Auntie Caroline

These are so cute! What fun to grow up with cousins :)