I decided it was time to start a new blog to inlcude all of our new brood. Here are the latest pics I have of Heidi Jean Lloyd. She was born Fri October 16th at 11:30pm, thirty minutes shy of her sister's 3rd birthday. Heidi weighed 6lbs, 13 oz, and was 19 and a half inches long. So far everyone is adjusting well to the new baby. I think it has been much easier going from two to three kids than it was going from one to two. Michael and I are becoming pros at mulit-tasking. Anyway, we hope you enjoy the new blog. :)
Our attempts at a group photo

Say what?

My family

First car ride home from the hospital

Dat with his two granddaughters

Brand new

Michael, Dr. Lee, and I (oh and Heidi too)

Here we are with number 3!

Lilly loves to hold her sister

She is so sweet :)