Tuesday, July 31, 2012

End of July adventures

We are still keeping busy here this summer. I think this is the nicest weather we've had in HB during the summer in a long time. The kids are having a blast but have started to ask when school's starting again. I'm so not ready to think about that yet! 

Lately Lilly and Bobby have taken a huge interest in taking pictures with the camera. Each of them has their own camera but using my camera is way more fun for some reason. I thought it would be cute to post the pics they've taken these last few weeks.

These are all taken by Lilly
These are all taken by Bobby

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My friend Julie's visit

Last week one of my great friends Julie was back visiting the OC with her family. She grew up with me in Irvine and we met in junior high and have been friends ever since. Now she lives in Tennessee so we only get to see each other whenever she visits So Cal. Although we talk everyday and always know what's going on in each others lives, seeing each other in person is just so much more fun. And getting all our kids together was a blast. I know I already miss her and can't wait to hopefully go to her neck of the woods someday and visit.

We met up last Monday at Knott's. I only took Lilly and Bobby for that trip for a few hours. They have met her two older boys before (although not sure they remember since it was 3 years ago) and the kids got along really well.
A few of the kids....2 of hers and 2 of mine

Then we had a Girls Night Out at the Spectrum with some other friends from junior high and high school
From left to right: Me, Julie, Kristen (who I actually have known since elementary school!) and Mandy

Then we met up at Northwood Park in Irvine with our other friend  Beth whom we have also been friends with since junior high. It was so crazy being with our kids at the park we grew up playing in ourselves. Pretty cool.  Between Beth, Julie, and I we have a total of 8 kids. And all 3 of us each have one kid with red hair.
Left to right: The red heads, Beth's baby Hannah, Julie's baby Joshua, and my baby Loralee. 

A bunch of our kids playing together

Bobby playing in this sand thing

Loralee loves to swing

Then we tried a group shot of all 8 kids. It didn't go super great but at least they are all in it.

And a few shots of Beth, Julie, and I. Been friends since about 1993. I hope my kids find long lasting friendships like this too as they grow up.

We got Lilly to take this pic. She didn't do too bad with it.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July celebration

We had an awesome 4th of July BBQ and also celebrated Michael's birthday (which is today) yesterday with friends and family. The city of Huntington Beach allowed fireworks this year which really made the party.
 My usual attempt at a group shot of the kids
Three out of four smiling isn't too bad
Bobby is going through this awesome phase where he likes to stick his foot out in pictures.
Tried to get a pic of the cousins together. We were missing a few by the time it got dark.
The best shot I could get of them
The older cousins love the baby. It's so nice to have other kids to entertain my gang when they visit.
Cousin Shane jumped in. I think he's doing an impression of the Godfather?
Bobby and I
I dyed the cupcakes blue for the party. Loralee loved them!
I'm not sure how many cupcakes she ate...

Waiting for the fireworks
Birthday boy lol!

We went to Knott's this morning for a few hours. Happy birthday Daddy!
 Lilly and Bobby on the roller coaster in Camp Snoopy. I love that they can go on most of the rides there alone.
A rare moment that Heidi let me take her picture. I am also thrilled that she is completely potty trained now and I only have one kid left in diapers!
Took the kids to visit my friend Beth and her baby Hannah. We had to get a group shot of all our kids. All of them are mine except the baby chewing on the frisbee.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Loralee Catherine is 15 months old!

Loralee is 15 months old today! I'm not sure what her height and weight are since her checkup isn't for another 2 weeks but I know this baby is growing fast. She is pretty much only able to wear 18month clothing now and I have noticed a lot of her onesies are getting tight. I know she's getting taller and she feels heavier to me when I carry her around. This is the first time I have had a 15 month old and have not been pregnant or just had a baby. I love that I just get to enjoy my last toddler and am not exhausted preparing for another baby or taking care of a newborn as well. I'm just cherishing every moment with Loralee being the last of the Lloyd Pack.
I think you can almost see those two top teeth now!
She was busy watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over my shoulder
 Loving this look she gives me 

So it's fun to look back at what was happening when the other 3 kiddos were 15 months old. 
When Lilly was 15 months old I had just given birth to Bobby.
 Lilly 15 months
When we brought Bobby home and became a family of 4

When Bobby was 15 months old I was just about 4 months pregnant with Heidi
Bobby 15 months old
15 weeks pregnant with Heidi

When Heidi was 15 months old I was 27 weeks pregnant with Loralee
Heidi 15 months old
Loralee in my tummy

And I am happy to say that I do not have any tummy pictures or a new baby to share with Loralee's 15 month post. :)