Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Busy in May

May is just flying by. It seems like we've been so busy lately with school winding down and all our other activities coming to an end. I'm really looking forward to the summer. I think we have a lot of fun stuff lined up. The only thing I'm bummed about is the fact that we won't be going to my parents summer house in Wyoming. Michael can't get the time off and there's no way I'm going there alone with 4 kids in tow. But this summer will be filled with swim lesson, summer camp, playdates, and more.

Loralee had a checkup yesterday. She's just a little over 7 weeks old now. She weighs 9 pounds already and is getting nice and chunky. Loralee still has the wild hair and big blue eyes. We're still not sure if they will change to brown or not but time will tell. She definitely resembles Bobby the most in the sibling department. I've noticed she's losing her newborn look and has a more baby look. She's more alert and smiles all the time too. As of right now she's our only baby who does not have acid reflux. It's such a pleasant experience having a baby with no reflux!

My happy-go-lucky super easy baby

All dressed up with no place to go~

Trying to capture her smile

Got it!

They are neck in neck in height. Bobby will be passing up his big sister soon.

Happy girl

Bobby and his Peppermint Patty doll

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

My Mother's Day was amazing. Michael and the kids took me to downtown Huntington Beach for breakfast. Afterwards we walked along the beach for awhile. Then we headed to my parents house to be pampered by the guys in the family. The tradition is the moms get to relax while the men prepare dinner, hand out drinks, AND take care of the kids. I think it's great for them to see exactly what our days are like all the time. It was a great day and nice to get a break from the daily grind of having four children 4 and under.

Michael's best attempt at a group shot at the beach. You have to love how Loralee's pretty much cut out  of the pic and Bobby is looking at his feet. Also Heidi is trying to make her escape.

My one and only little boy. Standing just like Daddy.

Michael's attempt at a romantic pic of the two of us. He was trying to hurry so we didn't lose any kids in the sand or water.

The kids wanted to put their feet in the water. But the water was FAH-REEZING!

My first Mother's Day with Loralee

Managed to get Bobby to take a pic with me too.

Nana and Heidi

I love this picture. I think I will blow it up and frame it. I think it's my favorite because it's my grandma with all her great-grandchildren and my mom with all her grandkids.

Lilly is the reason I started celebrating Mother's Day in the first place. :) 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mommy and Me Day

Today was Mommy and Me Day at Lilly and Bobby's preschool. I had my mom go with me so we could switch between the classrooms and neither of the kids would be left alone. We had a blast drawing, playing in the classroom, and playing outside. I just love stuff like this and really treasure these moments with my kids. I'm so thankful too that my mom was able to come help me out. I know she loves this stuff just as much as I do. I wonder sometimes how I got so lucky to be a mother of four beautiful and healthy children. I thank God everyday for them. I'm truly blessed. :)

My big girl! Already 4.5 years old. She made me a corsage to wear today and I will also be wearing it Sun.

Bobby and I working on drawing together

Nana is such a good sport! Always willing to jump in and play along.

Bobby also made Nana a corsage

My mommy and I :)